Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Chiquita is a six year old female. She has short hair and is a brown tiger. She is owner relinquished due to life changes. She loves attention and gets along with other cats that are not dominant.

Bell is a 1-1/2 year old female. She is a little camera shy, loves to be held very social

Aww I want them both



This was the place Tom and I looked at today. It was nice, i really liked it

The bathroom

Bathroom again

Master bedroom

living room


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nanaki and Chase

Nanaki cleaning Chase, aren't they cute

Honestly Chase loves bags, and it will get him into trouble one of these days

Chase in a bag

Saturday Walk

So Saturday, Tom and took a walk around the State Hospital, it was such a nice day, and well here are some pics of us.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Well my predictions for the Oscars was a bit of a bust. . .I knew the Cohen Brothers were going to win everything, even though I really did not want them too. . .oh well. . .I did get my male supporting and leading roles right. Daniel Day Lewis, and Javiere Barden (I'm sure I miss spelt that) But everything else. . .blah. . I'm glad I didn't run a pool on that. . heh

Friday, February 22, 2008

Stuff needed

Alright, So I am going to be moving out. . .I have been thinking of other things that I will need for the apartment.

I really want a rice cooker. . .always have. . never gotten one. . .
I need a tea kettle. . Tom loves tea and I love hot chocolate
Silver ware
More dishes. . .I have a few, but not that many. . .
Cooking sheets
Knives (cutting knives)
A new mattress. . .mine is really old. . hehe
Book shelves

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mac's Vs. PC's

I had made an interesting comment about computers the other day. . .honestly not that that matters. . .so please DON'T GET OFFENDED!!!

A Mac is like a volvo, and a PC is like a camary. Volvo's hardly ever break down, and last forever. Camary's are cheap to fix, but they do break down, and they are always updated all the time, and if it does break down, just get a new one. . See the similarities? I have had my Mac for almost 5 years, and it is still top of the line, PC's are a dime a dozen. If you have the money, buy a Mac it will last forever.


I have been looking at getting a new back. . I love the current one I have, but it is getting a little worn. . .So here are a few that I have been looking at.

So please give me your opinions. . .

More Pictures

Chase, I was trying to get him to hug me like he normally does

I was having too much fun. . hehe

Tom reading

We had gone on a sleigh ride a few weeks ago, and so we took a couple pictures. I'm petting a horse name Tom

Tom and Tom

Welcome Cali

Jenny had baby Cali around noon today. Here is her brand new Uncle already adoring her

Uncle to be

Tom is going to be an uncle sometime today, or maybe tomorrow, Jenny hasn't gone into labor just yet. . but it will be soon. . .

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Wow, this week is going by somewhat fast. . .School has really been dragging along. . its crazy, but it does seem like things are starting to catch up pretty quickly here. . .Crazy crazy. . I hope to upload some more pictures soon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So far these are some of the pictures that I have taken with Stan. Me, Mardi Gras at my work, and Super Bowl at my parents house

The ice in Tom's glass at Olive Garden

Me experimenting

At work, this is Mardi Gras

Chandra, and Barb they are bartender at work.

The Band we had, Mo-Mojo Band

Nanaki and my Sweety

Super Bowl, my fam. All the previous winners, and new winners.

Adam (brother) bob (like brother) and matt (another like brother)

Austen, good chicken wings

Nic's famous crab wrangoons

My Uncle Jerry, he's missing a tooth, from long ago hockey injury. . .(it will be fixed, again)

Erin making cookies

Food display. . .not even all of it either. . .


Simba, Tom's parents cat, he's soo cute

And my doggy Natasha

Saturday, February 09, 2008


I hate being jealous. . I find it an ugly thing. . . but lately I have been feeling a bit jealous about a few things. . . I think I will post them all on my vid log, that I have been planning on doing for a while. . .and that I know some people have been asking me to do. . . SO there. . .you will find out soon

Friday, February 08, 2008


Apartment shopping is well underway. . . Boardman lake apartments are TERRIBLE!!! So next we are going to look at Manitou Woods, which would be my favorite. But who knows. . .

Monday, February 04, 2008


Alright, So last night was the Super Bowl, the Giants beat the Patriots by three points, not that I really care, but I won 40 bucks!!!! YEAH!!! Finally I have redemed myself. My Mum won the first quarter, which is ten dollars, I won the second, which is 15, and then the third which is 25, and then the final is 50 dollars, and a trophy. . . heh that we've made over the years. For the last five years it has been between only two people, my Aunt Cheri, and Matt, my bro's friend. But this YEAR *dun dun dun* My friend Erin won it. . . YEAH SOMEONE NEW!!!! it was down to the late few minutes, I was really close to winning it. . . but oh well. . . I still got 40 bucks out of the entire thing. . HEHEHEHEHHEHEHE

And now I'm getting ready to go and watch Atonment with Erin. . . I'm sooo excited. . . heh