Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Fall


Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh the Fun Begins


That's right, just a few short weeks ago, I was there. . . . *ahhhh* Paradise. And now. . . school. . . once again. The good times go by fast. Oh well.

So, other than sleep shower, coffee, work, school, homework, sleep, I haven't been doing much.

My Dad called on Saturday ( I should be sooo blessed *rolls eyes*) Apparently he is buying the house that is too big and too much for one person. But whatever, he likes it, so I guess I cannot complain. However, he talked about it for ALMOST AN HOUR. The man is lonely. . . but he did it to himself. *side eyes* Meh. . .

TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am soooooooo excited, if you cannot already tell. I LOVE FALL. It is the best season of the year. The colours change, the drinks, the food, OH I LOVE IT. I think I am going to go and get a fall wreath today after I get out of work. I have already has a Pumpkin chai (frozen since it has been warm) drink with Soy (of course) SOOOOO GOOD. Oh man. The BEST I should say. And now the spiced cider. . . yummy. I want to get some Mulling spices. Tom and I found this great place in Glen Lake that sells tea's and spices. We want to go back, I might suggest this weekend. :)

AND THE FALL CLOTHES!!! I love them. I am trying to piece together some new outfits.

I want to get thick leg warmers and boots. Then I will get the jean skirt to wear. This is my mission. However, I need to be thrifty about it too. :) The sweater I just LOVE, cause I love sweaters.