Drink This In
Making it through each day, one sip at a time!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Wedding
My Younger Cousin Ben is in the middle, me and then my bro Adam. Heh. . My cousin who is four years younger then me, and eight years younger then my brother, is taller then both of us. . . heh I find that funny.
This was earlier that day, It was my cousin Dylan's wedding. This is most of my family, minus a few cousins.
(from left to right) My Aunt Barabra, cousin Rebbeca, Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Jerry (hidding in the back) Aunt Cheri, Unlce Denny, cousin Ben, Aunt Marr, my Mom, Brother, then Me
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Trivia Questions
I want to start doing this cause well I think its fun. . . . everyone else might not, or they will get fustrated and come after me. . . . LOL
Either way, I want to start posting Trivia Questions on here. . . .
I will post one, leave comments on what you think they are. . .and I will post the answer later. . . .Or those of you have my cellphone number and just WANT TO KNOW OR YOU WILL NOT LIVE ANOTHER MINUTE WITHOUT KNOWING. . . .may text me. . .
****Question of the Day*****
What are you putting together when you have a Nub and a Void??????
Answer. . . . heh You'll just have to wait LOL
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
SUV Classes, and Love
Okay, So a few things have happened since I wrote. . . I know. . .
Last week when I was working at my the Restaurant that I work at. . .A woman who was eating with a group of girls left and backed her GIANT SUV into the front bumper of my car. . . . She left. . . and I was totally at my witts end. But the next day she came back. . . She doesn't want to go through insurance companies. . . .so she will have to just pay for the bumper. . . heh.
So classes started up. . . .my Brit Lit 2 is not hard. . . rather boring cause I have already covered the stuff cause of going to GVSU. So thats easy. My French class I am totally happy about that. . . .heh I was scared about it cause it was really hard down at GVSU. . . but I was showing my prof the stuff I was learning. . .and he was like "How. . . we don't cover that stuff tell 201." Thats when I was like Holy Shit . . . .happy days. . . .cause I was soo far behind in 102 down state.
Hmmm. . . Love is a wonderful thing. . .heh. . .I must say that. . .
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Past and Present
It is 2007 strange feeling. And of course on New Years Eve it was four years since Ken had pasted away. It had always been hard previous years. I used to think how different my life would be if Ken was still alive. I might not be here in Michigan anymore, I maybe in Boston going to art school with Ken going to Harvard. Things would be VERY different.
Would I trade my life right now for that. NO. . . .When I was down at Grand Valley I thought about it a lot. I was mad, I wanted that other life. But now. . . I wouldn't trade my life. Ken would be happy of the life I have right now. He would be glad of what I am doing. And Sara I really don't think Ken would be disappointed with how your life is going right now. He really wasn't that kind of person.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The Past Week
Wow, Alright I haven't posted in a really long time. . . .sorry. . . .
Christmas was good, I got a lot of clothes and a TON of DVD's Kingdom of Heaven the special edition version.
New Years Eve was good, Tom came over which ended my hermit like status of New Years Eve, I'm not a fan of the holiday. It was really nice.
On New Years day Erin and I desperately tried to get a Nintendo Wii and a DS. . . . still no damn luck. . .I want a DS!!!!!! ARGH!!!!
But I meet up with Tom at Border and we picked out our travel book to Chicago. For Spring Break that is what we are planning, I can't wait, I've never gone away for Spring Break, I've always been the one to work and stay at home.
But I am going to meet up with my Brother soon and we are going to get our books and parking sticker for NMC. . . I cannot wait to get my books. . . .its going to be awesome.