Bdays and Assholes
I am another year older now, LOL, 23, it just seems like I'm getting up there in the 20s now heh, listen to me, I'm silly.
But my bday was awesome, Tom took me to Radish, then to see the Dark Knight, then a ton of people got together at Red Ginger. WOW the food there was awesome. I got the Takayaki, chicken grilled with yummy peanut sauce, then pot stickers. Yumm.....I'm craving them as I write this. It was soo much fun. I was soo glad that a ton of people were there. It was awesome. Tom got me a wonderful memory foam pillow. It is soo good that he wants to steal it, saying "all the memory is gone from mine" He's soo cute.
Jessie burned me Radiohead cd's which is an awesome band by the way. Moose got me Shakespeare curse word magnets for the fridge, it's hilarious.
My frind Lisa got me a 25 dollar gift card to Radish, I'm soo excited, I love that place, it should keep me in salads for a little while.
Anna got me this awesome bottle of Champagne, have not opened it yet.
Todd's been a super asshole these last few weeks, Film Fest is busy, and he's also getting married, but come on. . .angry baristas=bad work. And when I walked in today, Casse was doing something strange with a bag of coffee and small little black bags. Todd had us making is damn party favors for his wedding. Do them yourself asshole. . .
BUT!!!! I got some of the greatest news in my school career. I found out that I will be graduating this spring with my BA in English and History. I thought I didn't have enough credits, but I DO!!! I'll in fact have 13 more then what is needed. LOL, I'll have 133 by spring, possibly 139. It's awesome. I'll be the first of my friends to have it all completed. Then I will finally get a real job, I'm soo tired of these crap things. Don't get me wrong, their jobs, but not careers, and that what I desire the most. I'll be 24 and possibly teaching a year from now. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA