Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lone Gunman

I have been shunned. . . heh Well I am supposed to cut back on staying over at Tom's place for the remainder of his stay there. I was thinking about it anyways. . . but I think it is a slightly shady way. . but oh well. I don't really feel like talking about it right now, but I will soon in my blog, if you have any questions, for those of you who know me, just contact me. And I will talk to you about it. . .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Snow Snow Snow

Snow snow go away come again another day. Which it has, and once again we are somewhat snow free in Northern Michigan. Not that I am sad to see the snow go away. I'm not a really big fan of it. Considering that I need new tires for my car, and I have to get the traction control fixed on it as well. So. . . I'm not really ready for winter just yet. . .


I'm not sure which hat, or rather either one of them, cause there is this one at Ella's that I really like a lot too, same price, and I think a better store. But I'm not sure. . .

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sweaters and State Theatre

Okay here's a sweater that I really want to get. But possibly in a different colour. I was looking at the brown one. Tom thinks it's granny like, but I beg to differ. The purple sweater below, in my previous few entires I tried on, and really didn't like. . . oh well. . .win some you lose some.

This one I'm not sure yet. . .

The State Theatre LIVES!!!!!!!!!!! Once again. Tom and I went to see a short yesterday, and well they mentioned the celling, (that of course my dad had to be a part of, cause its the nights sky in Aug. to the "t") Michael Moore was there, and it was really cool. The best thing about it is that the seats are damn fine, and that he will only play "good movies" of course they will be the movies that I see all the time. There is the deal where you can become a member for 50 bucks, and get two dollars off the tickets (their 8 dollars a person, pricy I know, but for a good movie, and great cause, priceless) So I really want to join, cause I am always an avide welcomer of great movies, I used to work at the dumpy theatres in TC, which suck, and I hope the State Theatre runs them out, (which I'm sure wont happen, cause my people in TC are a bunk of wankers, and don't understand good movies.) BUT, atleast TC is now starting to make a move towards a better way. YEAH!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Once again I am building my wish list.

Its snowing outside, and I am at Tom's house fearing to go outside cause I didn't bring my winter jacket with me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More X-Mas wishing

And once again I want a nintendo ds lite. . . well I've wanted one for a very long time, and well I think this year, I am going to ask my dad for one, (since my mum has no idea, and would never get me one) I shall embark on my wish list for my dad.

Holiday Sweaters

Okay, so I have started to look for things that I really want for Christmas, and well I went to ae.com and found a ton of sweaters that I really love. I love sweaters for the holidays, their just sooo warm and cozy, I simply love sweaters. I think my favorite are the purple, and the red one, but their were other colours as well. Tell me all what you think. . .Which are your favs

Monday, November 12, 2007

x-mas Ideas

So I am looking for a new pair of boots for the coming winter season. My old boots from last year have no tread what-so-ever. So I am not on the search for some new books. And of course I love plaid, but I am not sure what I really want yet.
Also this coat above is SOOO CUTE!!! heh I saw it on a girl that came into my work the other day, and I asked her where she got it, and so now I have found it online. Heh, good X-mas idea's here.

Also these few books I have been looking at to read. But as I am currently not allowed to get anything, I have been forced to put them up for things that I want.