> Four Things About Me
> Things you may not have known about me.....
> A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
> 1. Village Market (Baggers hell)
> 2. Bohkara's Kennel (loved the dogs, even the ones that humped my leg and didin't give me a cig after)
> 3. GKC (Movie theatre hell....with popcorn)
> 4. Pearl's New Orlean's Kitchen
> .
> B) 4 movies I would watch over and over:
> 1. Lost In Translation
> 2. Memiors of a Geisha
> 3. Casablanca
> 4 . Elizabethtown
> C) Four places I have lived:
> 1. Williamsburg, Mi
> 2. Elk Rapids, Mi
> 3. Grand Rapids, Mi (soon)
> 4). Constent state of insanity
> D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
> 1). Iron Chef (The Original)
> 2). Gilmore Girls
> 3). Tigers, Pistons, Red Wings
> 4). MYTHBUSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> E) Four places I have been on vacation
> 1. Canada (here and there and everywhere)
> 2. San Fransisco (awesome sea food)
> 3. Wisconsin
> 4. Delware
> F) Favorite foods:
> 1. Chinese
> 2. Japanese
> 3. Great Italian Food
> 4. Pizza
> H) Four places I would like to be right now:
> 1. All Moved into my apartment ( too much to do still)
> 2. Happy's Island, Sage Lake MI
> 3. Relaxing in my room
> 4. In Paris
> I) Four people I think will respond:
> 1. Erin
> 2. Boozy
> 3. Ad
> 4. An Alien from another planet