Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Last Post. . . ??

I'm happy to say this will be my last e-mail. Things have been a bit tough lately and life is getting shorter and shorter every day, and I want to take time and smell the roses. So, I am going to quit e-mailing jokes and travel full time with a biker gang to see the country and enjoy life while I still can. Don't worry about me - they all seem like really nice people. It has been nice emailing you!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, a photo of the gang is below....

Monday, August 28, 2006

First day of class

I have moved in to my appartment on campus at GVSU, ahh yes, I must say that yes it is very small, but it's nice so far.

I do miss home like crazy right now, but I'll make it work

My French Class is very hard, the teacher only speaks in French, of which I haven't had a French class in a year, but I'll just have to catch up. Also it is raining right now, which suchs majorly, but oh well..I'll have to deal...But NMC was so nice and small, but I'll get used to it...So thats all for now, I'm gonna go and study

Monday, August 14, 2006

Something Fun

> Four Things About Me
> Things you may not have known about me.....
> A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
> 1. Village Market (Baggers hell)
> 2. Bohkara's Kennel (loved the dogs, even the ones that humped my leg and didin't give me a cig after)
> 3. GKC (Movie theatre hell....with popcorn)
> 4. Pearl's New Orlean's Kitchen
> .
> B) 4 movies I would watch over and over:
> 1. Lost In Translation
> 2. Memiors of a Geisha
> 3. Casablanca
> 4 . Elizabethtown
> C) Four places I have lived:
> 1. Williamsburg, Mi
> 2. Elk Rapids, Mi
> 3. Grand Rapids, Mi (soon)
> 4). Constent state of insanity
> D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
> 1). Iron Chef (The Original)
> 2). Gilmore Girls
> 3). Tigers, Pistons, Red Wings
> 4). MYTHBUSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> E) Four places I have been on vacation
> 1. Canada (here and there and everywhere)
> 2. San Fransisco (awesome sea food)
> 3. Wisconsin
> 4. Delware
> F) Favorite foods:
> 1. Chinese
> 2. Japanese
> 3. Great Italian Food
> 4. Pizza
> H) Four places I would like to be right now:
> 1. All Moved into my apartment ( too much to do still)
> 2. Happy's Island, Sage Lake MI
> 3. Relaxing in my room
> 4. In Paris
> I) Four people I think will respond:
> 1. Erin
> 2. Boozy

> 3. Ad
> 4. An Alien from another planet