I am sick and tired of cleaning up cat piss. Our couch has become their bathroom, and I am tired of it. Tom said we really only need one cat box, well screw that, I'm tired of cleaning up after them. Why doesn't he ever catch them, why is it always me???!?!!!??? I have now scrubbed down our couch, my Mum gave me something that should work really well, I'm waiting for it to dry, then I'll scrub it down again. I also want to set up their other cat box back up, maybe in the spare room again, cause I can't seem to leave that one alone either, cause they kept going in that room in the Futon. I have also scrubbed the futon down now. I don't want to say "I'll leave it for someone else to clean up" cause thats just not me. . .I have to get it clean right away. But I've had it. I'm sick and tired of washing blankets, and scrubbing up after those cats. Everything was fine with two cat boxes, I don't understand why we had to change, there wasn't anyone in the spare room yet. I don't get it. . . all I know is I'm tired of cleaning up after them, and I don't want my place to start smelling like cat pee. I JUST DON'T!
I'm sorry that guys are having this problem. I'm telling you though, what you read was right. For two cats you need three boxes. Tom needs to understand that being a responsible pet owner means sacrificing some of the things you want- like only having one litter box.
Anyway, I hope you guys work it out.
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