Hard Times
So lately I've been really stressing out about it. I know my credit card has been the highest its ever been with my car a. going into the shop, b. paying for something extra, that I didn't want to pay for in the first place, c. over heating, and having it towed. Then there was on top of all that, the extra first month moving in expenses. So my bill is EXTREMELY HIGH. So high, that I might not be able to pay it off all at once. I DONT WANT TO DIP INTO MY SAVINGS ANYMORE!!!!! I'm terrible, but honestly, I don't like touching my savings. So right now, I have 0% APR, so I might just take advantage of that, and pay half this month, hardly use the card next month, and pay it off then. I don't know. . .It's been hard
Starting this new job at Espresso Bay is hard, since this is my last "offical" week at Pearls, Ebay hasn't has me working a lot, one cause I'm still training, and two, cause I work weekends at Pearls, until after this weekend. I better get my 30-40 hours. Seriously, thats what I wanted when I took the job. Thats what I want, and thats WHAT I NEED!!!!!
I was thinking about it in the shower, (it's where I go to clear my thoughts)
Pearl's I get paid 10 bucks/hour
Espresso Bay is 7+usually average $1 tips per hour (Thats low), so it would be 8bucks/hour. Two dollar pay cut at least.
But Espresso bay is 5 minutes away.
Pearl's is thirty, something thirty-five to forty, depending on traffic, Cherry Festival, forget about it. . .I don't want to think about it. So with gas being 3.59 to nearly 4.00 this summer, I think I will make more with Espresso Bay. My back-up is always Pearls. If I need shifts, they will give them to me. If things don't work out (which I hope they do work out) Then I can always go back to the big P.
Also, this weekend, Tom is going to help me put my stuff on Ebay (the real Ebay) and also Half.com. So then I can start selling all of my old anime, and manga stuff. I can't wait.
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