Happy Birthday Tom
Happy Birthday Tom, another year older sweety. I got him a nice bike rack for his car this past weekend, now we can take them anywhere with us. I have been thinking about getting a new bike myself, and Mclain Cycle has one that I really liked. It's like an old granny bike, but I loved it, it was sooo comfortable. I cannot be hunched over anymore, it just hurts my back. AND, alright I want comfort now, I think I've earned it, I'M 23!!! GIVE ME COMFORT!!!
I don't know maybe my ass is too bonie, or tooo big, but all I know is I want a new bike. LOL my old one is fine, but its just not well, not it's not fine, it's out of date, hurts my buttom, and sucks. I want something better.
SOOOOOO, the bike is not that expensive, and so Mclain also have the Freedom to Ride, where I could get a loan for the bike, and not have to pay any interest for the first year, I'm nor than sure I could pay it off in a year, so well YES I WANNA DO IT!!!. But Tom being the careful person he is, wants to check it out more. I don't blame him, I'm just really antsy about it. So yea.
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