Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Lost In Austen

I have just recieved confirmation about the latest book that I have bought. . .Now I was searching the shelves at Borders a couple weeks ago, I don't know HOW I EVER missed this book, Lost In Austen, it's a create your own Jane Austen book. You are Elizabeth Bennet and you have to find you way through parties, and balls, for the mister right. Its like those create your own adventure novels, I'm sure many of you have read. But, for those of you who known that Elizabeth Bennet ends up with Mr. Darcy, you have the option of choosing another one of Austen's male characters, like Mr. Knightly, or Captain Wentworth, or Mr. Tilney, and so on. . .I can't wait for it to come. I feel bad, cause Tom really wanted to get it for me for my b-day, but I just couldn't wait that long. . heh


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