Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Rise Up!

Everyone who reads this blog, and I thank you for doing so. Please go to this website.


It is free, don't worry. Please watch the video, it may take an hour and a half of your time, but please, do so for your own good.

As I watched the film, I realized how depressing it really want last year the Wednesday after election. What the hell were people thinking. Honestly, if you are thinking about repeating that same mistake you made four years ago, please do us all a favor and send yourself to MARS!!!!! What the hell good do you think you are doing by voting against Obama? BECAUSE HE'S BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GFYS!!!!!!!!!! if you don't understand what that mean, I'll tell you GLADLY!!!!!

Seriously, who gives a rats ass if Obama is black, Chinese, Muslim, Indian, or AN ALIEN, for crying out loud. He wants to make this country great again. Something that has been lacking since CLINTON was in power. YES I said it!!!! When Clinton left office, he handed over to Bushy, a nation that was creating 23,000 jobs a year, we were working on nearly a trillion dollar up rise. The middle class was the best it had ever, YES I said EVER!!! been. Then this monkey from Texas, comes in and DICKS!! the entire thing up. WOW, I don't think ANY president has done something THAT messed up, EVER!! If Nov does not go well, my advice, either leave the country, or stock up on romen noodles, and canned goods. Cause it will be the end of the nation, we will hit another depression, and it's gonna look like shit all over our faces.

The other day, I was waiting in line for something (American always wait in lines, it's what we do best, wait in line for some ass-hole at the front who has no clue since 1976, and wont make up their mind) and I over heard a conversation.

"I vote for Bush cause he is someone I could have a beer with"
I waited, and thought about that statement for a while, and thought to myself, "WTF, I don't want to have a beer with the president of the United State, I don't want my president to have a beer at all, I want him to RUN the country. Okay if you go to Camp David every once in a while, but seriously, 'I'm too busy to save the minorities Helen, I'm having a beer with my rich white ass-hole counter-part' No No No No No NO!!!!"

And then, I thought about how everyone liked Bush because he was a 'good ol' boy' from Texas. Again WTF, the Bush family is FROM CONNECTICUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were an east coast family FOREVER!!!!! Think about that thought at your next rally.

Please in Michigan the deadline to register to vote is Oct 6!! Please if you are reading this, and live in Michigan, GO GET REGISTERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The youth of the country is drastically slumped on the SUCK MY ASS section of voting. It only takes a few minutes of your time. WOW, your video games, watching computer porno, or just sitting on your ass at home doing NOTHING is SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO important that you cannot raise the bar for the youth of this country, then please, get on ship to MARS!!! I am tired of your lazy worthless ass, BE GONE!!

Thank you

Freelance Democratic Writer. Dobek

Signing off.


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