Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Day from Hell

Today has been one of the worst days in a while. . . First off, the end of the semester always kills me. . . So I forgot to take my vitamins, and so I raced back home to get them, found this funny air thing with my brakes, which I fixed. But then I get all the way into town and realized that I'm not wearing my watch. . which I don't like to go without. . cause its always there (OCD I know) Second, well this was one of the good thing, I got extra credit in my History class. But then I went to go downtown to get my Uncle, and Nic a b-day gift, and I come back to my car, and the damn meter maid gave me a ticket!! I've never gotten one before, and I was only five minutes late. . but the entire row of cars got it. . . (It's that time of the year) I wanted to write on the check that I just sent them, (Thanks cock-suckers!!) but that of course would only make them mad. . . Then I go to mail it and get into the post office, and I dropped it in the wrong box, but I'm sure it all goes out the same. It was right next to the one I was supposed to drop it in. . they probably say what an idiot. Then I get outside, and see the easy drop box for mail, the one I was looking for in the first place. . . So yea. . that has been my day thus far. .


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