Drink This In

Making it through each day, one sip at a time!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rumors at Work

So honestly, I am no longer talking to a few people that I work with. . .cause things have gotten WAY out of control.

YES!! I am moving. . .

YES!! I am looking for another job
BUT NO!! I have not found one yet. . . A couple of weeks ago one of manager asked me if I was leaving. . .WOW, I was caught off guard. . .I said "we'll you know I am moving into to Traverse", and she was like "yes" and so I told her that I had been looking at other employment that would be closer, and that if I did find a job in town, that I would give them plenty of notice, and would gladly train someone in my leaving, if such a thing happened. . .

Well later that week I went to Red Mesa, the sister restaurant of the place I work at, and picked up and app, (honestly, speaking with other employees that I work with, who switched from RM to P, said that its not worth working there, a lot more stressful) So then this last weekend, one girl who I consider a good friend said, "Are you leaving?" I was completely blown away, first off, she would be the first one there (besides management) that I would tell. "No" I said "Who told you that"
"Wow, first off, no, I have not found another job in town yet. And second, I wouldn't listen to a flake"
"Her friend saw you pick up an app at RM"
"Did her friend see me drop it back off? No, I didn't think so."
Plotting against me wont do anyone a bit of good, I'm too smart for that, I am the only one that has ever beaten my bro in Risk, (long long time ago. . .)I have strategy. And honestly, do you think that a certain manager there would dare loose me over her. . ( yes I am talking myself up. . .I am good at what I do. . .) If she is trying to gain more hours then me, she will be defeated, very swiftly. . .

So I am plotting, and waiting, for this Saturday, when I work with her. . .waiting for her questions, and I will have my retaliations. . .


Blogger Sara Lynn Paige said...

I hate girls. =(

12:14 AM  
Blogger Kel said...

Yeah, I know. . .

2:00 PM  

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