Exams and Sheets
So begins exam week.....
I'm dredding this ultimate doom. . .
But it has to come evetually. . .I guess, at least it could be a little less stressful...but NO
But on the bright side of this matter, I found a used cd of Born In The USA Bruce Springsteen for only six dollars, heheheheh yea!!! I'm soo happy about that...
I feel like my brain is melting, I have American Gov't exam that well I'm not really worried about, I just don't want to take it thats all....
Oh also, why the heck does Grand Valley have to send me this stupid booklet about their beds being too long for regular sheets, and that we have to buy their kinds of sheets that they tell you about... it's all to make more money...rat bastards!!! I'm not going to buy their crappy sheets, I bet the thread count isn't even above 200 ( A helpful hint***a recommendation when buy sheets above a 200 thread count, so that way your sheets will not pillow up and get those little bumps on them***) so yea I just think that is a bit much, their already milking me for an extremely large sum of money already, they always want more......grrrrrrr
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