The Mad CD World
One thing that I hate, (among many) is when you buy a cd, thinking this will be good, cause I really like one of their songs already, and then you buy it, the get in your car put it in the cd player and it starts to play and it is complete and utter crap...
Then you cannot take it back, cause you already opened the damn thing. BUT you can trade it in for about 1/4 of its original value, so to actually get another new cd, you have to take in about five or six cds to get a new one, that you will probably have to return again cause it sucks.
And now I'm not saying downloading it good, (its okay), but really FYE has a sampler, when you run the bar code under this machine you can listen to a few minutes of each track on the CD, the thing is, they ALWAYS over price their cd's. We cannot win here....okay download FINE but I still somewhat respect the music industry, in some ways...
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